

  • August 5, 2015




  • 做多被低估的股票,做空被高估的股票

  • 允許無邊界賣空,押金為賣空價值的100%

  • 開倉時,我們假設空頭頭寸和多頭頭寸的份額相等



是的,即使使用 pandas 之類的好工具,它也可以非常複雜。但基本思想是找到頭寸進入和退出以獲得現金流。

這是我從生成的信號中獲取所有這些東西的程式碼(在我的回測器中,信號是每個時刻投資組合中 2 支股票的一部分)。我希望我在這裡找到了所有的錯誤,但沒有保證。 Total_invested變數用於僅使用初始資本計算投資組合中的股份總數。


另請查看Mike Halls-Moore 的文章。這個網站對我幫助很大!

def get_portfolio(self, signals, prices):
   time_index = prices.index
   end = time_index[-1]
   # Assets prices
   x_prices = prices[self.sym1]
   y_prices = prices[self.sym2]
   # Assets weights in portfolio
   x_weights = signals.map(lambda sig:sig[self.sym1])
   y_weights = signals.map(lambda sig:sig[self.sym2])
   # Total number of invested shares
   total_invested = pd.Series(index = signals.index)
   # Need trade enters to calculate portfolio size
   enter_points = x_weights.diff().fillna(0)!=0
   # Index magic here:
   # We need to delete position exits, we suppose there are separate enters/exits
   enter_points[enter_points[enter_points].index[1::2]] = False
   # capital = w₁⋅total⋅p₁ + w₂⋅total⋅p₂ (cover position)
   total_invested[enter_points] = (self.initial_capital
       + y_weights.abs()[enter_points]*y_prices[enter_points]))
   # Zero for right initial open and final close
   total_invested.iloc[0] = 0; total_invested.iloc[-1] = 0;
   total_invested.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
   # Positions rounded to lot sizes
   x_positions = (total_invested*x_weights//self.lot1*self.lot1).fillna(0)
   y_positions = (total_invested*y_weights//self.lot2*self.lot2).fillna(0)
   long_pos = x_positions.copy(); long_pos[long_pos<0] = 0
   short_pos = x_positions.copy(); short_pos[short_pos>0] = 0
   x_pos_diff = x_positions.diff().fillna(0)
   y_pos_diff = y_positions.diff().fillna(0)

   # Tribute to the market-makers: spread
   # Binary divide because we count twice: enter & exit
   tribute = (abs(x_pos_diff)*self.spread1 + abs(y_pos_diff)*self.spread2)/2
   # Cashflow & Turnover: not the same!
   cashflow = -x_pos_diff*x_prices - y_pos_diff*y_prices
   turnover = abs(x_pos_diff)*x_prices + abs(y_pos_diff)*y_prices
   # Commission from turnover
   commission = turnover * self.commission
   commission[cashflow!=0] += self.fixed_commission
   portfolio = pd.DataFrame(index=time_index, columns=['EQ','holdings',
   # Value of shares
   portfolio['holdings'] = x_positions*x_prices + y_positions*y_prices
   # Value of cash, paid commission on each transaction
   portfolio['cash'] = self.initial_capital + (cashflow
       - commission - tribute).cumsum()
   # Equity is the sum of both
   portfolio['EQ'] = portfolio['cash'] + portfolio['holdings']
   portfolio['turnover'] = turnover

   # Time points of trades
   portfolio['long_trades'] = long_pos.diff().fillna(0)
   portfolio['short_trades'] = short_pos.diff().fillna(0)

   portfolio['x_positions'] = x_positions
   portfolio['y_positions'] = y_positions
   return portfolio
