

  • November 29, 2021



關於這個問題的文獻翻了翻。Sellin (1959)¹ 的第一項開創性研究並未發現任何顯著效果,但早期文獻中充斥著方法學錯誤。Ehrlich (1975)² 當時的研究要復雜得多,它顯示出極刑的強大威懾作用。然而,具有諷刺意味的是,這項研究後來也因缺乏經驗嚴謹性而受到批評(隨著統計方法的進步)。Cochran 和 Chamlin (2000)³ 和 Lamperti (2008)⁴ 表明,它不僅不能阻止暴力犯罪,而且還可以通過“殘酷化”效應增加暴力犯罪。然而,後來 Dezhbakhsh、Rubin 和 Shepherd (2003)⁵ 使用面板數據再次表明它具有威懾作用,但該研究後來受到 Kovandzic、Vieraitis 和 Boots (2009)⁶ 的挑戰。

新的元分析表明,證據也有些混雜。例如,Yang & Lester (2008)⁷ 的元分析認為對某些犯罪具有顯著的威懾作用,但 Dölling 等人的元分析。(2009)⁸ 發現死刑對暴力犯罪的影響並不顯著。由於內生性問題,很難找出真正的效果。美國暴力發生率高的地方往往有死刑,是因為這些地方最需要威懾,還是因為威懾效果不好,其他地方政策更好?儘管這是正在進行的討論的問題,但大多數研究人員現在傾向於更多地傾向於死刑不是有效的威懾,但研究尚未完全解決。


  1. 塞林,托爾斯滕。1959. 死刑。賓夕法尼亞州費城:美國法律研究所。
  2. 埃利希,艾薩克。1975. 死刑的威懾效果:生死攸關的問題。美國經濟評論,65:397-417。
  3. Cochran、John K. 和 Mitchell B. Chamlin。2000. 威懾與殘酷化:處決的雙重影響。正義季刊,17:685–706
  4. 蘭佩蒂,約翰。2008. 死刑能阻止謀殺嗎?簡要看一下證據。2009 年 10 月 8 日從 math.dartmouth.edu/~lamperti/capitalpunishment.pdf 檢索
  5. Dezhbakhsh、Hashem、Paul H. Rubin 和 Joanna M. Shepherd。2003. 死刑有威懾作用嗎?來自暫停後面板數據的新證據。美國法律和經濟評論,5:344–37​​6
  6. Kovandzic, TV, Vieraitis, LM, & Boots, DP (2009)。死刑能挽救生命嗎?來自州面板數據的新證據,1977 年至 2006 年。犯罪學與公共政策,8(4),803-843
  7. Yang, B. 和 Lester, D. (2008)。處決的威懾作用:埃利希 30 年後的薈萃分析。刑事司法雜誌,36(5),453-460。
  8. Dölling, D., Entorf, H., Hermann, D., & Rupp, T. (2009)。威懾有效嗎?懲罰薈萃分析的結果。歐洲刑事政策與研究雜誌,15(1),201-224。





在審查了文獻後,他們得出結論:“接受這樣的假設是不謹慎的,即在美國實行的死刑比威脅和實施據稱較輕的終身監禁刑罰更能阻止謀殺”。 "

“根據 2009 年對美國犯罪學協會成員的一項調查,他的立場得到了大多數與兇殺有關的犯罪學家的認同,他們被要求限制他們對實證研究的理解並排除他們的個人觀點。那研究發現,超過 88% 的犯罪學家不相信死刑能威懾兇手。”

“美國國家科學院國家審查委員會的一個委員會於 2012 年對該領域 34 年的研究進行了全面審查。該委員會得出的結論是,“迄今為止關於死刑對兇殺案影響的研究沒有提供資訊關於死刑是減少、增加還是對殺人率沒有影響”



“From 1973 through December 2014, 150 innocent people were exonerated from death row”- https://www.aclu.org/issues/human-rights/human-rights-and-death-penalty

Then there are the issues within the legal institutions that would apply it, and the biases they hold.

• Jurors in Washington state are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for a black defendant than for a white defendant in a similar case. (Prof. K. Beckett, Univ. of Washington, 2014). • In Louisiana, the odds of a death sentence were 97% higher for those whose victim was white than for those whose victim was black. (Pierce & Radelet, Louisiana Law Review, 2011). • A study in California found that those convicted of killing whites were more than 3 times as likely to be sentenced to death as those convicted of killing blacks and more than 4 times more likely as those convicted of killing Latinos. (Pierce & Radelet, Santa Clara Law Review, 2005).

In terms of economic analysis, I don’t know if this is what you had in mind, but it is related, with cited research by economists who’ve endeavored to study the issue through that lens. Albeit from 1996


A small snippet from the above link - “In 1973, economist Isaac Ehrlich studied data from robberies that occurred in the 1940s,1950s, and 1960s. He found that the higher the probability of conviction for robbery, the lower the robbery rate, ceteris paribus (Cooter and Ulen 1988). However, he found that the severity of the punishment did not affect deterrence in 1940 and 1960. Interestingly, he found a deterrent effect based on the severity of punishment when studying robbery reports from 1950. More recently the Capital Punishment Research Project and the New York Times compared capital and non-capital states to assess deterrence effects (Economist 1994a).The investigation examined the number of murders that occurred in New Jersey before and after the imposition of a death penalty statute in 1982. No statistically significant decrease was found in the number of murders that occurred. The study also compared the number of murders per 100,000 residents in both Massachusetts (a non-capital state) and New Jersey (presently a capital state). No significant difference was found in the number of murders. In the same study, the murder rate in New York (a non-capital state when the study was conducted) was compared to the rate in Texas (a capital state); and there was no statistical difference between the two states with respect to the number of murders per 100,000 residents. Interestingly, while most southern states have the death penalty, they also have higher murder rates. In fact, Louisiana, a capital state, has the highest murder rate in the nation. Among southern states, only Florida has a murder rate below the national average”

In terms of overall views on the subject, it differs highly in which country you are referring to, as it is not just a scientific issue, but a political one. There is also unfortunately a lot of ignorance and emotionally distorted reasoning when dealing with the topic with those unfamiliar with it.
