$$ L(\pi, \bar{Y})= (\pi- \pi^e)^2+\beta \bar {Y}^2 $$ 我們知道費雪方程是
$$ i=r+\pi^e $$ 在哪裡[數學處理錯誤] $ r $ 和 $ i $ 分別是實際利率和名義利率。
我想通過選擇來最小化 CB 的損失函式 $ i $
當我在網上搜尋時,我總是看到 CB 損失函式是通過代入菲利普斯曲線來最小化的,並對 $ Y $ .
所以,我將費雪方程代入菲利普斯曲線,即[Math Processing Error] $ \pi=a \bar{Y} +\pi^e= a \bar{Y}+i-r $
然後我把這個方程代入損失函式 Ie[Math Processing Error] $ L(\pi, \bar{Y})= (a\bar{Y}+i-r- \pi^e)^2+\beta \bar {Y}^2 $
And take its derivative with respect to [Math Processing Error] $ i $
I got [Math Processing Error] $ 2(a\bar{Y}+i-r-\pi^e)=0 $
[Math Processing Error] $ i^*=\pi^e-a\bar{Y}+r $
But I think my way is wrong. Because this result doesn’t make sense.
Please let me show a way how to solve it. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
You need to differentiate with respect to Y, as you said! You substitute the phillips curve as you did (because it is a constraint for the central bank’s optimization problem), then differentiate w.r.t [數學處理錯誤] $ \bar{Y} $ (我假設這裡代表差距)並將其設置為 0 以獲得最優條件,這反過來將為您提供貨幣規則。回想一下,一旦使用貨幣規則確定了最佳產出-通貨膨脹組合,中央銀行就會設定利率以實施其選擇。