
調查 Black-Scholes 公式正確性的預印本

  • February 15, 2022

最近的預印本出現在 arXiv 上。在已經假設標的物現貨價格採用Black-Scholes 模型的情況下,它質疑 Black-Scholes 公式對歐式看漲期權價格的適用性。



如果正確,我們的結果使 Merton (1971) 的連續時間預算方程和 Black 和 Scholes (1973) 的套期保值論點和期權定價公式無效。



假設預印本是準確的。根據現代投資銀行推動衍生品定價的(相當標準化的)模型,**哪些類型的衍生品可能會被嚴重錯誤定價(如果有的話)?**請記住,使用模型/結果可能會產生“高階”效應,由於對 Black-Scholes 公式的某種程度的依賴,其有效性也可能受到質疑。

For example, given the way volatility is often quoted (the right number for the Black–Scholes formula to arrive at a certain price), valuation of vanilla European options is basically guaranteed to be unaffected even if the preprint is accurate.

It’s a common critique that the original Black-Scholes derivation is somewhat imperfect with respect to the self-financing property, as fesman mentions.

Self-financing trading strategies are a key concept in maths finance. After all, we can all replicate any payoff using a non-self-financing strategy by simply injecting funds as necessary. Thus, pricing by arbitrage typically requires identifying a self-financing portfolio which replicates the targeted payoff.

In doubt it’s always useful to consult the writing of the great people in the quant finance community. The issue about self-financing in the Black-Scholes derivation has been addressed, amongst others, by Gordon and Peter Carr.

In his stellar answer, Gordon points out that the standard textbook derivation of the Black-Scholes formula is not self-financing. Whilst it gives the correct result (and yes, the final Black-Scholes formula is correct), the standard derivation is wrong.

In Carr’s paper, he discusses in question V how the Black-Scholes derivation can be made rigorous. To this end, he carefully thinks what meaning the differentials need to have and how one can bypass the self-financing property.
