

  • September 13, 2021

考慮一個多期均值變異數投資組合優化,使得在時間 $ t $ 我找到了最大化我的預期終端財富的策略 $ X_T $ , 受風險約束,

$$ \begin{align*} \Pi_t = \mathbb{E}_t[X_T]-Var_t[X_T]. \end{align*} $$ 大概我明天也可以這樣做,但事實證明,今天制定的策略明天對我來說不是最佳的,所以我會偏離它。換句話說,今天制定的戰略永遠不會實現。


This is a difficult question per se, but people in the literature have tried different ways of dealing with the time-inconsistency of the mean variance problem.

Basak and Chabakauri (2010) is one of the seminal references.From their paper:

“In this article, we solve the dynamic asset allocation problem of a meanvariance optimizer in an incomplete-market setting and provide a simple, tractable solution for the risky stock holdings. To our knowledge, ours is the first to obtain within a general environment a fully analytical characterization of the dynamically optimal mean-variance policies, from which the investor has no incentive to deviate, namely, the time-consistent policies. "

Also, I have to take a little detour and say that on an optimal life-cycle model the rule highlighted by Bob Jansen though very appealing brings large welfare losses. Take a look at table X from Cocco, Gomes and Maenhout (2005):


Such a rule brings reduction on consumption equivalent units between 0.5% and 1.6% per anuum.


無論如何,我不認為投資組合的權重會發生顯著變化。是什麼讓今天的股票有吸引力,明天也應該有吸引力。此外,在實踐中,我預計接近地平線的效果不會對分配產生很大影響。如果您遵循經驗法則:庫存分配是 $ 100% - \textrm{age} $ ,那麼變化甚至不是每天一個基點。

