自動選擇 BIC 最小化 ARIMA(1,0,X) 模型
我想估計一個 ARIMA(1,0,X) 模型。選擇模型中的 MA(X) 以最小化 BIC。我有以下程式碼使用
R 中“預測”包中的函式:auto.arima(logret$appl, d=0, max.p=1, max.q=10, max.order=NA, max.d=0,start.p=1, start.q=0, stationary=FALSE, seasonal=FALSE, ic=c("bic"), stepwise=TRUE, trace=TRUE, allowdrift=TRUE, allowmean=TRUE, lambda=NULL, parallel=FALSE, num.cores=NULL)
ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean : -6592.886 ARIMA(0,0,0) with non-zero mean : -6597.561 ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean : -6592.886 ARIMA(0,0,1) with non-zero mean : -6592.48 ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean : -6604.679 ARIMA(1,0,1) with non-zero mean : -6586.55 Best model: ARIMA(0,0,0) with non-zero mean Series: logreturns$REL.CP ARIMA(0,0,0) with non-zero mean Coefficients: intercept 0e+00 s.e. 5e-04 sigma^2 estimated as 0.0002818: log likelihood=3305.9 AIC=-6607.81 AICc=-6607.8 BIC=-6597.56
在我測試 MA 滯後的所有模型中。有沒有辦法解決 AR 滯後問題?我真正想要的是這個 arima(1,0, X) 模型中的 MA(1) 係數。謝謝
並列印出 BIC 最小化滯後階數和相應的估計模型:m=list() # I will save estimated ARIMA(1,0,q) models here BIC=c() # I will save the corresponding BIC values here max.q=10 # the maximum MA order you want to consider n=length(x) for(q in 0:max.q){ m[[q+1]]=arima(x,order=c(1,0,q),method="ML") BIC[q+1]=AIC(m[[q+1]],k=log(n)) } print(paste("BIC-optimal MA order is",which.min(BIC)-1)) # info message print(m[[which.min(BIC)]]) # print the estimated BIC-optimal model
為了響應評論中的請求,我包含了一個返回估計 MA1 係數的函式:
MA1fromARIMA10q=function(x,max.q=10,...){ # x is a data vector (a time series) # max.q is the maximum MA order to be considered m=list() # I will save estimated ARIMA(1,0,q) models here BIC=c() # I will save the corresponding BIC values here n=length(x) for(q in 0:max.q){ m[[q+1]]=arima(x,order=c(1,0,q),...) BIC[q+1]=AIC(m[[q+1]],k=log(n)) } q=which.min(BIC)-1 if(q>0) MA1=coef(m[[q+1]])[2] else(MA1=NA) # if MA order is 0, assign NA return(MA1) }