

  • September 27, 2016

假設我有兩個時間序列[Math Processing Error] $ X_t $ 和[Math Processing Error] $ Y_{t,q} $ . 例如,讓我們說[Math Processing Error] $ X_t $ 是一個衡量商品產出水平逐年變化的系列(比如小元件的數量)。所以 $ X_t = \frac{Widgets_t}{Widgets_{t-1}} - 1 $ . 我還有一個系列[Math Processing Error] $ Y_{t,q} $ 那是每季度一次,衡量公司工人數量的變化(並且想使用這個系列,因為我認為工人的變化[Math Processing Error] $ w_{t,q} $ would be indicative of the change in number of widgets sold. The quarterly series would hopefully provide a good indicator

How would I actually best compare the two series?

  1. I could take the mean of the quarters of a given year for [Math Processing Error] $ Y_t $ so then I would get [Math Processing Error] $ Y^{mean}t = \frac{1}{4}\sum \limits{i=1}^4Y_{t,i}-1=\frac{1}{4} \left( \frac{w_{t,1}}{w_{t-1,4}}+\frac{w_{t,2}}{w_{t,1}}+\frac{w_{t,3}}{w_{t,2}}+\frac{w_{t,4}}{w_{t,3}} \right) - 1 $
  2. Or alternatively, I could take a geometric mean. [Math Processing Error] $ Y^{geomean}t = \left( \prod \limits{i=1}^4Y_{t,i} \right)^{1/4}=\left( \frac{w_{t,4}}{w_{t-1,4}}\right)^{\frac{1}{4}} - 1 $



  • 在您的範例中,您的工人數量發生了變化[Math Processing Error] $ Y_{t,q} $
  • 與年產量相比,每季度的平均變化是什麼意思?
  • 可能你應該總結你的季度變化有一個年度:我會推薦 $ \sum_q Y_{t,q} $ .
  • 如果您認為工人數量的波動對生產有影響,您可以添加另一個由平均變化構成的時間序列[Math Processing Error] $ \frac{1}{Q} \sum_q |Y_{t,q}| $ .

你為什麼不建構年值[Math Processing Error] $ Y_t $ 從數據中,所以在你的例子中[Math Processing Error] $ Y_{t,annual} = \sum_{i = 1}^{4}Y_{i, quart} $ . This is of course only relevant if levels are important, and the time series is in absolute values. If it is a percentage, the geo-mean would be the correct (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_mean#Proportional_growth).
