
How to calculate daily risk free interest rates

  • August 14, 2019

I’m working on an assignment in which I need to calculate excess returns for six stocks plus the S&P 500. I have computed daily logarithmic returns for every stock and for the market, I now need to calculate the risk free interest rate in order to be able to compute the excess return for every stock and the market.

The interest rate on three months T-Bills is a good proxy for the risk-free rate of return, but I have a lot of doubts on how to use data provided by Yahoo! Finance in order to compute the daily risk-free. Here are my assumptions and procedures:

  • I use the 13 weeks treasury bill (ticker: ^IRX) historical quotes provided by Yahoo! Finance;
  • 假設在 Yahoo! 金融債券收益率被引用為有效年利率 (EAR),即當時的每日無風險利率[Math Processing Error] $ t $ ([Math Processing Error] $ r_{f,t}^{daily} $ ) 計算為:

[Math Processing Error]$$ r_{f,t}^{daily}=(1+r_t)^{1/365}-1 $$ 在哪裡[Math Processing Error] $ r_t $ 是當時的 EAR 率[Math Processing Error] $ t $ 雅虎提供。

一旦計算完成,股票的超額收益[Math Processing Error] $ i $ 有時[Math Processing Error] $ t $ 定義為:

$$ \text{Excess Return}=r_{i,t}-r_{f,t}^{daily} $$ 問題

  • 這個程序正確嗎?請注意,我不需要它非常精確,這只是一個基本練習,但我希望它至少在概念上是正確的。
  • 美聯儲還提供三個月國庫券的數據。這些費率是否也作為 EAR 提供?

只需使用大多數金融研究論文使用的,即來自 Kenneth French 數據庫的無風險利率。


費率是每年一次。因此,如果您想要日誌返回,只需獲取日誌 $ 1+r^f_t $ 並除以 365。


[數學處理錯誤] [數學處理錯誤]$$ 1 + r_{90} = (1 + r_1)^{90} $$ 這是因為沒有套利機會。這裡我們假設 $ r_1 $ 在接下來的時期將保持不變,即非隨機。因此,做簡單的代數,我們得到 $$ r_1 = (1+r_{90})^{\frac{1}{90}} - 1 $$
