
Pricing and Arbitrage of Inverse Asset Claim

  • October 17, 2017

I’m working through the following little exotic exercise and have some questions and curiosity as to whether I’m on the right track

Consider the claims

$$ Y_t=\frac{1}{S_t} $$ $$ X=\frac{1}{S_T} $$ a) Can $ Y_t $ be the arbitrage-free price of a traded derivative?

Answer?– So this question is for some reason stumping me. I suppose it means the literal process $ Y_t $ (that is, not under a risk-neutral expectation), which seems highly unlikely to be an arb free price process. I just can’t seem to put it in any rigorous terms.

b) Derive an expression for the arbitrage free price process $ \pi_t[X] $

Under risk-neutral valuation, we have

$$ \pi_t[X]=E^Q[\frac{X}{B_T}]=E^Q[\frac{\frac{1}{S_T}}{B_T}]=E^Q[\frac{1}{S_TB_T}] $$ So, here’s where I had the idea to multiply both sides by $ S_t $ . Now, I’ve done a lot of problems with change of numeraire, but this really isn’t that, so I’m now going to continue under the assumption that we are still under Q: $$ \pi_t[X]=\frac{1}{S_t}E^Q[\frac{S_t}{S_TB_T}]<=> $$ $$ \pi_t[X]=\frac{1}{S_t}E^Q[e^{-r(T-t)+(\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2-r)(T-t)-\sigma(W_T-W_t)}]<=> $$ $$ \pi_t[X]=\frac{1}{S_t}E^Q[e^{(\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2-2r)(T-t)-\sigma(W_T-W_t)}] $$ Using the fact that $ E[e^{\mu+\sigma Z}]=e^{\mu+\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2} $ , we have $$ \pi_t[X]=\frac{1}{S_t}e^{(\sigma^2-2r)(T-t)} $$

Concerning question $ \text{b} $ , your result is correct but you don’t need to complicate things by dividing and multiplying by $ S_t $ : your expectation $ E^Q[\cdot] = E^Q[\cdot|\mathcal{F}_t] $ is really conditional on infomation at $ t $ , hence you can simply take the $ 1/S_t $ factor from $ 1/S_T $ outside the conditional expectation without having to multiply and divide by $ S_t $ .

As for question $ \text{a} $ , once you have answered question $ \text{b} $ it should be relatively straigthforward (hint: the answer is not a clear cut “yes” or “no”).
