
如何在 python 中計算最大回撤 MDD

  • December 14, 2020

我需要在 Python 中計算時間動態最大回撤。問題是,例如:

( df.CLOSE_SPX.max() - df.CLOSE_SPX.min() ) / df.CLOSE_SPX.max()



             CLOSE_SPX    Close_iBoxx  A_Returns  B_Returns  A_Vola    B_Vola
2014-05-15    1870.85      234.3017    -0.009362   0.003412   0.170535  0.075468   
2014-05-16    1877.86      234.0216     0.003747  -0.001195   0.170153  0.075378
2014-05-19    1885.08      233.7717     0.003845  -0.001068   0.170059  0.075384   
2014-05-20    1872.83      234.2596    -0.006498   0.002087   0.170135  0.075410   
2014-05-21    1888.03      233.9101     0.008116  -0.001492   0.169560  0.075326   
2014-05-22    1892.49      233.5429     0.002362  -0.001570   0.169370  0.075341   
2014-05-23    1900.53      233.8605     0.004248   0.001360   0.168716  0.075333   
2014-05-27    1911.91      234.0368     0.005988   0.000754   0.168797  0.075294   
2014-05-28    1909.78      235.4454    -0.001114   0.006019   0.168805  0.075474   
2014-05-29    1920.03      235.1813     0.005367  -0.001122   0.168866  0.075451   
2014-05-30    1923.57      235.2161     0.001844   0.000148   0.168844  0.075430   
2014-06-02    1924.97      233.8868     0.000728  -0.005651   0.168528  0.075641   
2014-06-03    1924.24      232.9049    -0.000379  -0.004198   0.167852  0.075267

您可以使用 pandas rolling_max 在視窗中找到過去的最大值來計算當天的回撤,然後使用 rolling_min 來確定已經歷的最大回撤。

假設我們想要特定交易品種經歷的 1 年移動(252 個交易日)最大回撤。以下應該可以解決問題:

import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as  web
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import datetime

# Get SPY data for past several years

SPY_Dat = web.DataReader('SPY', 'yahoo',,1,1))

# We are going to use a trailing 252 trading day window
window = 252

# Calculate the max drawdown in the past window days for each day in the series.
# Use min_periods=1 if you want to let the first 252 days data have an expanding window
Roll_Max = SPY_Dat['Adj Close'].rolling(window, min_periods=1).max()
Daily_Drawdown = SPY_Dat['Adj Close']/Roll_Max - 1.0

# Next we calculate the minimum (negative) daily drawdown in that window.
# Again, use min_periods=1 if you want to allow the expanding window
Max_Daily_Drawdown = Daily_Drawdown.rolling(window, min_periods=1).min()

# Plot the results

哪個收益率(藍色是每天執行 252 天的回撤,綠色是過去一年中最大的 252 天回撤): 最大回撤結果

